john stamos kitten, mirror, clango : mew! mew! mew! mew! mew! mew!  silly kitty! you're replying to your own tweets again. murr hissss! you want me to slide into my own what?!

All the World's a Tweet Storm

If I know one thing about cats who use Twitter- they're rude as hell. That's why I like them.

– @rstevens

john stamos kitten, mirror, clango : mew! mew! mew! mew! mew! mew!  silly kitty! you're replying to your own tweets again. murr hissss! you want me to slide into my own what?!

All the World's a Tweet Storm

If I know one thing about cats who use Twitter- they're rude as hell. That's why I like them.

– @rstevens