soundwave, decepticon, transformer : hello, soundwave the decepticon here i have been sent to your planet to make a joke about the iphone headphone jack, ravage, i believe that was meant as a subtle diss because i still use cassette tapes whatever elitists but the joke is on you because i am technically an android

Transform Your Frown Upside-Down

Well if it isn't our old friend Soundwave the Decepticon!

– @rstevens

soundwave, decepticon, transformer : hello, soundwave the decepticon here i have been sent to your planet to make a joke about the iphone headphone jack, ravage, i believe that was meant as a subtle diss because i still use cassette tapes whatever elitists but the joke is on you because i am technically an android

Transform Your Frown Upside-Down

Well if it isn't our old friend Soundwave the Decepticon!

– @rstevens