maura, red robot : i am a magical elf made of cheese and i promise free, unlimited pizza for all! i question your ability to provide free, unlimited pizza due to a lack of evidence that magical elves exist. how dare you question the belief system i hold sacred! i'm sure you believe in elves, but-i'm sure you believe in elves, but- so you admit that you hate pizza!!

Advanced Debate Styles

You can skip the presidential debates if you just read this comic.

– @rstevens

maura, red robot : i am a magical elf made of cheese and i promise free, unlimited pizza for all! i question your ability to provide free, unlimited pizza due to a lack of evidence that magical elves exist. how dare you question the belief system i hold sacred! i'm sure you believe in elves, but-i'm sure you believe in elves, but- so you admit that you hate pizza!!

Advanced Debate Styles

You can skip the presidential debates if you just read this comic.

– @rstevens