pale suzie, batman, wonder woman : flexing muscles stars batman! i hear you have a new movie coming out. please let me apologize- i'm super excited about it! r-really? golly! yeah! i've been waiting my whole life to see wonder woman on the big screen!

Batman vs. Reduced Expectations

I love writing Batman, though admittedly my Batman is more of a pitiable goof. Can I be in charge of Wonder Woman now? I think she deserves sleeves and pants.

– @rstevens

pale suzie, batman, wonder woman : flexing muscles stars batman! i hear you have a new movie coming out. please let me apologize- i'm super excited about it! r-really? golly! yeah! i've been waiting my whole life to see wonder woman on the big screen!

Batman vs. Reduced Expectations

I love writing Batman, though admittedly my Batman is more of a pitiable goof. Can I be in charge of Wonder Woman now? I think she deserves sleeves and pants.

– @rstevens